Here’s what buyers and sellers need to know about our housing market.
What’s going on in the Southern California housing market? Depending on who you ask, you’ll get wildly different answers. Today, I want to cut through the noise and share what the latest numbers have to say about our housing market. If you’re looking to buy or sell a home in the near future, this is critical information.
You can listen to my full explanation in the video above or skip to each topic using the timestamps below:
0:00 — Introduction
1:53 — Home sales in our area
2:49 — Current numbers compared to 2020
5:04 — The market cooled down in 2022
6:22 — Our market is normalizing
7:50 — Prices remain stable
8:26 — Home supply should remain low
9:22 — Wrapping things up
Call or email me with any questions about our housing market or these numbers. I look forward to hearing from you!